
Friday, January 20, 2012

Better and Better - Life is Grand!

Steve and I both have to keep pinching ourselves that our life has fully turned out GRAND!  We are so blessed with amazing friends, family and just the love we have for one another is tough to find, but then on top of all that...life is just good to us! 

Back in October I attended a conference, as a member I am heavily involved each year but this year in particular was on multiple planning committees and within my first trimester (when most are feeling fatigued) I was working 60 hours weeks at a minimum trying to get ready for the conference.  At the awards night, in front of my entire staff, completely surprised I was awarded the Vice President's Award for the California Association on Post-Secondary Education and Disability (CAPED).  This is such a huge honor and I am still speechless over the thoughtful recognition.  A very proud moment in my life, but then if it couldn't be any better, my supervisor shared the news with our Vice Chancellor within San Diego Community College District and the published an article about me in the District's magazine.  All I could think was "Munchkin is famous," as I was obviously showing in the picture at five months pregnant.  So honored and can't wait to tell Munchkin someday how he or she didn't even slow me down!  http://www.sdccd.edu/public/events/we/Online/2011/WE-Dec2011_LO.pdf Page 11

Then Steve and I are glowing as we are finishing the final touches on all of Munchkin's furniture when Steve checks his email to find out that the new job he "really" wanted was his!!!  He has been working as a Crew Chief for Pacific Ambulance for three years now, promoted multiple times and doing great, he still desired a change.  With his paramedic clinical and internship section around the corner he knew he would need to go part time and wanted to gain experience in other areas.  The job at UCSD was perfect, per diem, great pay, flexible schedule, working as an ER Technician.  It was super competitive though and he had to be diligent with his follow up to even get an interview.  Afraid that he wanted the job almost too much, he was thrilled to learn he was one of four hired.  Steve will now have an $8 an hour raise, a flexible schedule for school and for Munchkin and now emergency room experience.  It would be impossible for a wife to any prouder of what he has accomplished in a short period of time of following his dreams!  We are so BLESSED! 

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